Der 17.4. ist Tag der palästinensischen Gefangenen. Ein Thema wichtiger denn je – denn in Deutschland denken alle nur an Israelis, wenn von Geiseln die Rede ist. Dabei sitzen derzeit über 9000 palästinensische Gefangene in israelischen Knästen, fast die Hälfte davon ohne jegliche Verhandlung oder Anklage. Sie werden gefoltert, vergewaltigt und ihnen werden jegliche Rechte verwehrt.

Deshalb erklären wir die Woche um den 17.4. zur Aktionswoche für die palästinensischen Gefangenen. Bundesweit werden vom 15.4.-21.4. Aktionen zu diesem Thema stattfinden. Die Öffentlichkeit und Medien können uns schlechter ignorieren, wenn wir viele und überall sind!

Macht mit! Organisiert Infostände, Ausstellungen, Demos, Filmabende und Diskussionsrunden. Klärt auf über Administrativhaft oder beleuchtet die Situation palästinensischer Kinder in Gefangenschaft.

Erinnert ihr euch an den spektakulären Gefängnisausbruch von Palästinensern mit Löffeln vor ein paar Jahren? Wieso nicht Löffel mit zur Demo bringen?

Siemens stattet israelische Gefängnisse aus – gibt es eine Niederlassung in eurer Stadt? Wieso nicht davor demonstrieren?

Ist die Mensa im April besonders voll? Macht doch einen Infostand für die Studierenden.

Wir werden euch Material zur Verfügung stellen, das ihr nutzen könnt: Steckbriefe von Gefangenen, Infografiken, Hintergründe zur Mittäterschaft deutscher Unternehmen, Filmvorschläge. Wir gestalten außerdem Flyer und Plakate.

Alle Aktionen werden wir auf unserer Website bewerben. Teilt uns dafür bitte mit, was ihr wann geplant habt. Falls ihr Fragen zum Material oder zu Aktionen habt, meldet euch gerne.


Lasst sie frei! Uns fehlen noch mehr als 9000 Palästinenser:innen! 

Seit 1967 inhaftierte Israel eine Million Palästinenser:innen in zionistischen Gefängnissen, darunter 17.000 Frauen und 50.000 Minderjährige. Derzeit sitzen über 9.000 Palästinenser:innen hinter Gittern in den besetzten Gebieten Palästinas. In den letzten Jahren wurden jährlich 500 bis 700 Kinder verhaftet. Seit dem 7. Oktober sind mindestens 10 Palästinenser in israelischen Gefängnissen ums Leben gekommen. Hinzu kommen Dutzende von getöteten Gefangenen, von denen nicht bekannt ist, wie viele in Gaza hingerichtet sind. Die palästinensischen Gefangenen aus Gaza sind in den meisten Statistiken nicht aufgeführt. Unsere Geschwister werden mehr denn je gefoltert, vergewaltigt und missbraucht! Auch der Hunger wird als Foltermethode und Kriegswaffe in zionistischen Gefängnissen eingesetzt. Nicht nur in Gaza – auch im Westjordanland werden täglich bis zu 100 Palästinenser:innen grundlos inhaftiert. Über 3.500 von ihnen befinden sich in Administrativhaft (ohne Anklage und Prozess).

Was ist Administrativhaft?

Stell dir vor, du wirst verhaftet, aber du weißt nicht, warum. Stell dir vor, du wirst nicht angeklagt. Es gibt keinen Prozess. Stell dir vor, du bleibst jahrelang im Gefängnis, ohne zu wissen, was dir vorgeworfen wird, ohne die Möglichkeit, dich vor Gericht zu verteidigen. Das ist Administrativhaft. Es ist eine Prozedur, die von der israelischen Besatzung gegenüber Palästinenser:innen angewandt wird. Die Administrativhaft dauert 6 Monate, kann aber unbegrenzt verlängert werden, was bedeutet, dass die Gefangenen oft Jahre oder sogar Jahrzehnte in Administrativhaft bleiben. Das internationale Recht verbietet es, diese Praxis in dieser systematischen Form auszuüben, jedoch hält Israel seit 1967 ständig Palästinenser:innen in Administrativhaft. Seit der zweiten Intifada  in den Jahren 2000-2005 sind die Zahlen stark angestiegen. Derzeit sitzen über 3.500 Palästinenser:innen in israelischen Gefängnissen, ohne Anhörung oder Gerichtsverfahren. Israel schränkt die Rechte der Gefangenen in Bezug auf das Recht auf Bildung, das Recht auf Familienbesuche und das Recht auf angemessene medizinische Versorgung ein. Die Verwaltungshaft ist eines der wichtigsten Instrumente des Apartheidregimes.

​​​​​​​Die Anwältin Hanan Al Khatib berichtete am 8. März 2024* über die unmenschliche Situation der inhaftierten Frauen, insbesondere nach dem 7. Oktober 2023. Einige Frauen wurden bereits mehrfach wegen ihres politischen Engagements inhaftiert, wie z. B. Khalida Jarrar. Die Nachrichtensperre in den seit 1967 besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten ist beispiellos. Weder die Prisoners’ Society noch andere Organisationen wie Addameer oder das Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) haben Zugang zu genauen Informationen über Verhaftungen oder den Haftbedingungen der Gefangenen. Unter der wachsenden Anzahl von Gefangenen befinden sich auch Kinder, die seit dem 7. Oktober ohne Anklage im israelischen Militärsystem inhaftiert sind und laut Save the Children während ihrer Inhaftierung Gewalt und Missbrauch erlitten haben. Ein Bericht von Save the Children vom Juli 2023 zeigt, dass bereits vor dem 7. Oktober palästinensische Kinder, die von den israelischen Streitkräften inhaftiert wurden, immensen emotionalen und körperlichen Misshandlungen ausgesetzt waren: Vier von fünf – 86 Prozent – wurden geschlagen, 69 Prozent wurden nackt ausgezogen.

Wir fordern ein Ende der Besatzung, die Freilassung von Gefangenen, die Rechenschaftspflicht für israelische Kriegsverbrecher und dass es ihnen nicht erlaubt wird, sich der Justiz zu entziehen, wie sie es in der Vergangenheit getan haben!




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Individual cases of Palestinian prisoners:

Mahmoud Alardeh 

Head of Islamic Jihad prisoners in Israeli prisons, and the hero of the “Freedom Tunnel” operation.
He was first arrested by the occupation as a child and then re-arrested in 1996.
His dream of freedom never stopped, as he had several attempts to escape from the dungeons of the fascist Israeli prisons, the last of which was the great escape from Gilboa prison, during which he succeeded in crossing the Freedom Tunnel with 5 of his mates on September 6, 2021.
Al-Ardah was subjected to the most heinous forms of oppression, abuse and torture after his re-arrest on September 10, 2021, and the interrogators worked to torture him psychologically and physically in order to obtain confessions about the escape process.
The hero’s statements in the courtroom were clear: “I am proud of what I have done because I am a human being, and a person without freedom is not a human being, I am under occupation, and I have the right to be liberated by all means, and you are the occupiers of our land and our holy sites, and it is our right as a people to be free.”


Ibrahim Hamed

Palestinian fighter and field leader – affiliated with Izz al-Din al-Qassam / Hamas.
He was subjected to all kinds of physical and psychological torture, has the largest judicial security file submitted to the Israeli occupation court, amounting to 12,000 papers, and sentenced to 54 life imprisonment.
Hamed was arrested several times, the last of which was in 2006 after the occupation pursued him for 8 years, during which they arrested his relatives and his wife, brutally tortured them, interrogated his children and later deported them from Palestine.
He was held in solitary confinement for seven years, six of which were during his trial, during all of this he did not even confess to his name, despite the use of all means of psychological and physical torture against him.
In hearings prior to the verdict, the court had rejected these investigations and acknowledged that they were untrue, but then accepted them based on the confessions of other prisoners from whom confessions were extracted under extreme torture, that led to the deterioration of their health.
Throughout his detention, Hamed is being subjected to the deliberate medical negligence policy, which is another mean used by the occupation to practice its fascism on our prisoners.
The severity of the torture Hamed endured was a vicious attempt by the occupation to shake off the shame of their failure, as one Shin Bet officer said, “he made us a laughing stock for a decade”.


Ahmed Saadat

A prominent Palestinian activist and politician who served as Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He was subjected to several arrests, the last of which was in 2006, when the Israeli occupation stormed Jericho prison and abducted him with his mates.
The occupation sentenced him to 30 years in prison. During which he was subjected to an assassination attempt by infiltrating his cell with highly poisonous snakes.
Saadat spent long consecutive years in solitary confinement. He participated in many prisoners’ hunger strikes, whether to obtain their rights or to support other prisoners.
He was subjected to various forms of physical and psychological torture, and various repressive and retaliatory measures such as harassment, solitary confinement, denial of visits and other attempts by the Zionist occupation to stifle the struggle inside their fascist torture camps.

Marwan Barghouti

A politician and prominent leader of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah), is a candidate to win the Palestinian presidency, he has been arrested since his childhood several times, the last of which was in 2002, where his detention continues until now, he was sentenced to five life imprisonment and 40 years, without proving the charges against him, before which he had been subjected to several failed Israeli assassination attempts.
Marwan is subjected to Israeli incitement against him that coincides with his frequent transfer between solitary confinement prisons.
The refusal of the Israeli prison administration to disclose his places of isolation and preventing him from seeing his lawyer raises real fear for his life.
What is happening with Barghouti comes within the framework of targeting all prisoners after October 7 (the start of the Israeli war on Gaza) and targeting the leaders of the national prisoner movement through mass transfers, and mass solitary confinement, in addition to systematic torture sessions.
During his detention, Barghouti was subjected to physical torture, in the last of which was he severely beaten on March 6 and then on March 12, 2024 until he bled.

Mohamed Abu Salmiya


According to the Quds News Network, on November 2023, the Israeli occupation army arrested the director of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Dr Mohammed Abu Salmiya, and a number of other doctors in the Gaza Strip.
Dr Abu Salmiya had shown exceptional dedication by refusing to leave his patients during the first siege of Gaza’s largest medical complex. He was one of the few voices telling the world, through videos streamed online, what was happening in Al-Shifa during the siege.
On 27 November the Israeli Broadcasting Authority reported that the detention of Dr. Abu Salmiya had been extended for 45 days, and that he faces an investigation with allegations of ‘aiding the enemy.’ Israel has repeatedly said Hamas used the hospital as a ‘command and control centre’, but has never publicly provided any evidence.
In February, Dr. Bilal Azzam, a member of the Jordanian Medical Syndicate, during a conference on the rebuilding of Gaza’s health system, told the story of Mohammed Al-Ran, a general surgeon at Kamal Adwan Hospital, who was detained and tortured by the IDF for 46 days before he was released, naked, at the Karem Abu Salem crossing. Al-Ran was detained with Abu Salmiya. Al-Ran testified that the IDF broke the hands of Abu Salmiya then forced him to walk on all fours, put a chain around his neck, dragged him around, and then brought him a plate of food and told him to eat it like a dog.
Muhammad Abu Salmiya continues to be detained by Israel.
Source <a href=”” data-cke-saved-href=””></a>

Israel has detained hundreds, perhaps thousands, of civilians and militants in Gaza and held them without charge inside Israel under a secretive legal framework that rights groups say is ripe for abuse. Released civilians have told they were subjected to physical and psychological violence, blindfolded and forced to kneel all day, and denied access to lawyers.
Israel reserves the right to hold Gazans without charge under the 2002 Unlawful Combatants Law, a form of administrative detention that rights groups say violates international law. As of 1 February, Israel was holding 606 unidentified Gazans under the law, according to the Israeli rights group Hamoked.
Source: h<a href=”” data-cke-saved-href=””>ttps://</a>

The family of doctor Muhammad Abu Salmiya said that he is being severely tortured because he refused to appear in a video accusing the resistance of using Al-Shifa hospital as a military site.
Another doctor who was kidnapped with Abu Salmiya said that the latter was forced to walk on all fours and eat from a bowl on the floor like an animal, and that they even put a leash on him. He added that the Israeli soldiers broke both his arms.


Palestinian prisoner whose childhood was stolen by the occupation

Ahmad Manasrah


A Palestinian prisoner whose childhood was stolen by the occupation. When he was 13 years old, he was shot, run over, insulted and beaten until his skull was severely broken by settlers and occupation soldiers, Manasra was then arrested after providing enough treatment to keep him alive, and interrogated with Zionist fascist brutality, and sentenced to 12 years.
Ahmed appeared in a video published by the occupation crying as he was confronted by an Israeli interrogator screaming, threatening and hitting Ahmed on the head, Ahmed’s only answers were “I don’t remember”, “I don’t know”.
The occupation renewed the period of its solitary confinement whenever it ended, to become a continuous isolation.
The Zionist occupation usually tied one of Ahmed’s hands and one foot to the cell wall for more than 24 hours, which forced him to urinate and defecate himself, and later, it was revealed that the occupation forced the child Ahmad to take certain medications that aggravated his psychological condition and he later developed schizophrenia as a result of the continuous torture and abuse against him.
What if Ahmed was your son, or if you were in his place at his age?
Manasrah who will turn 22 in Israeli prisons was no exception.
Since the Naksa, more than 50,000 arrests of Palestinian children have been recorded, and the pace of their arrests has doubled, especially in Jerusalem, since the start of the genocide in Gaza.
The Zionist entity has dropped all international conventions and all child rights agreements of the children of Palestine.
Just imagine for a moment that a child is being hit hard with guns and kicked by soldiers, imagine what a handcuffed and blindfolded child feels like while being attacked police dogs. Imagine the horror of hearing the crys of other children screaming in pain, left to bleed on dirty floors and then isolated in solitary confinement, threatened with rape or the murder of their families, no food, no education, no safety, no sky and warmth, only suffering and bitter cold or the scorching sun and hatred buried in the chests of the soldiers of the fascist Zionist occupation.
What would you do, if that happens to your child?


Women, Teenagers detained as political prisoners

Shurouq Dwayat

A Palestinian girl who was arrested in 2015. As she was going to pray in Alaqsa, a settler tried to remove her headscarf and she tried to defend herself, but settler bullets rained down on her, shooting her in the chest, shoulder, and neck.
Dwayat, who was a student and only 18 years old at the time, was left bleeding on the ground for half an hour before being taken to a hospital where she was left bleeding for 3 days before the surgery! She was then taken to prison!
The trial lasted a year and a half and ended with her being sentenced to 16 years for attempted murder, without a weapon! to become the highest sentence among women.
Despite her health condition following the injuries, she was subjected to systematic brutal treatment and deliberate medical negligence, Shurouk recalled, “If I’m in pain, they give me a normal painkiller pill, as if my head hurts, as if I’m not injured by three bullets.” The solitary cells were full of cameras from all corners even the toilets.
Israeli Raids on the cells with beatings and tear gas have been increasing. Shurouq was among those who were freed in the last swap deal.
The occupation’s approach to arresting women follows a repeated policy of shooting them during arrests, strip searches, holding them in unlivable cells, subjecting them to interrogation for long periods, accompanied by methods of physical and psychological torture. Specific torture positions called alshabeh, restraining them throughout the interrogation period, prolonged sleep deprivation, ongoing interrogation, isolation, blackmail of abusing their families, threats of sexual assault, preventing lawyers from visiting them, severe beatings such as continuous slaps, family members subjected to abuse, arrest and summons as part of the policy of collective punishment.
Now Please think of the pregnant women and those who give birth in the Israeli prisons.

Nufooth Hammad

A former Palestinian prisoner who was arrested in 2021 at the age of 14.
The Israeli court sentenced her to 12 years in prison after Israeli soldiers abducted her from her school under the pretext of attempted stabbing, an argument used against most of the prisoners without providing evidence. The occupation courts do not need evidence against the Palestinians and only the testimony of a settler.
When the Israeli occupation soldiers stormed her school, they took her away while she was handcuffed with iron handcuffs and blindfolded, shouting obscene insults and screaming at her.
Between the interrogation in Almaskubiya and her entry into Damon prison, the child Nufooth was punched in the face, had her face slammed against the wall, kicked and pulled by her hair, the screaming and insults by the soldiers didn’t stop, as were the threats to arrest her family.
The prison cells were either solitary confinement or very overcrowded cells, always very cold or very hot, deprived of food and water, had only very light one layered clothes and no bathing for long days, all cells were dirty and full of insects and cockroaches.
Asking for a shampoo or a toothpaste was enough to get Nufooth severely beaten and punished with solitary confinement.
Hammad got her freedom back last November after her family was prevented by the occupation from showing any signs of joy.

Nima Hamouda

A Palestinian girl from Gaza who survived the war and the starvation only to be kidnapped and imprisoned by the Israeli Zionist soldiers.
She was forced to get into a truck filled with naked men, all tied up, all thrown on top of each other, the whole time they were beaten by the soldiers, after a while a soldier came to her and beat her then poured cold water on her.
As all prisoners, she was strip-searched then dressed in prison clothes, which were very light, with nothing underneath, they were thrown in an open yard that is not suitable for life at all, hands were tied, everyone was freezing, and the soldiers were before them partying, dancing and singing, mock the prisoners and insulting them.
In Damon the torture continued, a soldier assaulted her and started banging his rifle on her head.
There were barely any food to eat, some girls had their hair pulled out by the soldiers, no sleeping was allowed, they were forced to set on their knees with their hands behind their heads and heads pend down.
All detainees from the Gaza Strip are subject to systematic executions and killings in the Israeli occupation camps where they are held.
Israel’s aggressive policies have turned prisons into real slaughterhouses where torture and beatings are practiced in its most horrific forms, which resulted in dozens of executions among Gaza, the West Bank and the occupied terrorists of 48.

Diala Eideh

Diala Eideh is currently being held in administrative detention without charge or trial simply because she is a human rights lawyer and defender. The 28 year-old lawyer’s activities have included visiting prisoners and detainees in Ofer military prison and defending political prisoners in the Palestinian Authority courts.
She was arrested at a container checkpoint while travelling to Ramallah on 17 January 2024. After the bus stopped at the checkpoint, the passengers’ identities were checked. Ms. Eideh was asked to get off the bus and was taken by a male and a female soldier to a room near the checkpoint, where she was beaten on her legs by the female soldier, allegedly to control her. She was then transported to a detention centre, during which time, like many other detainees, she was physically and verbally assaulted by various soldiers.
Diala Eideh taken to a military camp near Bethlehem, where she was handcuffed and blindfolded. She was kept in a cold iron container without a door and verbally abused for hours by soldiers passing by the container. She was not allowed to go to the toilet and was forced to kneel for hours, all the while feeling pain from tight handcuffs.
After some time she was transferred to Hasharon prison, where she was subjected to difficult prison conditions, ill-treatment and harsher treatment. She spent two days there before being transferred to Damon prison, where she is still being held.

Stoppt die Kriminalisierung des Widerstandes, stoppt die Kriminalisierung der Palästina-Solidarität!

Stoppt die Kriminalisierung des Widerstandes, stoppt die Kriminalisierung der Palästina-Solidarität!

Seit nun über drei Monaten verüben die israelischen Besatzer einen grausamen Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung in Gaza, mit verheerenden Konsequenzen – über 25.000 Tote, davon 11.000 ermordete Kinder, die Dunkelziffer vermutlich um einiges höher.

In unserem Statement heißt es:
“Der Krieg gegen Gaza ist nicht ein Krieg zwischen zwei Staaten, sondern zwischen Besatzern und Besetzten. Wir lehnen es ab, die Gewalt der Besatzer mit dem gewaltsamen Widerstand der Besetzten gleichzustellen und zu enthistorisieren.“

Als Kufiya-Netzwerk ist unsere Position klar: Der palästinensische Widerstand gegen die Besatzung ist nicht nur in all seinen Formen legitim, er ist die einzige Antwort auf die israelischen Kriegsverbrechen!

In unserem Statement haben wir geschrieben:
“Wir lehnen die Kriminalisierung jeglichen Widerstandes gegen die Besatzung, sowohl auf internationaler wie auf europäischer Ebene, insbesondere in Deutschland ab.”

Zeitgleich verschärfen sich in Deutschland die Repressionen gegen die Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk: Demoverbote, Organisationsverbote, Haftnahmen, Hausdurchsuchungen und U-Haft!

„Wir prangern die inhumanen und rassistischen Einschüchterungs- und Repressionsmaßnahmen an, die auf die Verschärfung und Aushöhlung des Asylrechts abzielen, darunter die angedrohte Ausweisung und Abschiebung von Aktivisten, der Blockade von Einwanderungs- und Aufenthaltsprozessen, der skandalöse Diskurs über Entzug der Staatsbürgerschaft von Doppelstaatlern”.
Dieser Absatz aus unserem Statement ist angesichts der erlassenen, rassistischen “Rückführungsgesetze“ aktueller denn je.

Jetzt ist der lautstarke Widerstand so notwendig wie noch nie – Kommt mit uns auf die Straßen, lasst uns zeigen, dass wir viele sind! Wir rufen auf zur bundesweiten Mobilisierung zu unserer Großdemonstration.

Wann? 03.02., 15 Uhr
Wo? Hauptwache, Frankfurt am Main

Für ein Ende der Kriminalisierung! Palästina-Solidarität ist kein Verbrechen!
Widerstand ist Völkerrecht!